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14 year old is losing her grip on the will to live.
updated 02.22.23
04.20.22, death, is life really worth it. i don't know what to do is a loop
life is worth it, if you make it work. it's often overwhelming, but plugging on from day to day is all i know. it can be a loop. sometimes you must make the effort to sidestep the loop. have you reached out to anyone?
No.. I'm 14 but I'm terrified of talking to anyone I have to go to in person school for the first time in a year next week and I'm terrified I'm just kinda down tbh
do you have anyone at this school you consider a friend? i remember having trouble at 14 like that, but i had friends that distracted me from the day to day issues that troubled me. do you have interests that you could share with others? by that i mean, are there groups within this school that have extracurricular activities, such as art, music, etc., that you could involve yourself with? finding something to express yourself is often all it takes to muddle through that we find boring, useless, or even frightening. sliding into adulthood is a mental challenge. finding your path can be scary, but you must find a way to make it work for you. it is worth the scary effort.
keep on mind, that the pandemic has created an atmosphere that affected your age group negatively. teens are naturally programmed to socialize with like minded people within their age group. then the virus happens and these same youth are literally forced to unnaturally stop in-person socializing. i feel you were stunted in life. one could even say you were cheated. on-line socializing can not replicate in-person socializing. you need to SEE real faces, real smiles, real tears, real joy.
i am certain that once you make the attempt to kick start your real life experiences with your friends and family, you will find a path to living. it's imperative you have someone to walk your path with you and to help each other get past the issues that plague you. it's not going to be easy, but there is joy to be had. seek it out. grab life and make it yours!
please respond whenever you feel the need.

I have 1 friend but she's not responding to my texts and all my online friends are ghosting me the only things I'm really interested in are anime and creepypasta if I'm being fully honest I have a horrible relationship with my family I sit in my room all day and do anything that involves stuff I'm used to my friends never talk to me unless I talk to them first and I feel like I'm just someone that if I were to die no one would even notice until at least a week later I like drawing but no one really gives me any support so it's kinda getting old my walls are filled with drawings of gore… I never leaveave the house and I've been raised off of online parents there for me finding someone I trust and them eventually ghosting me normally there 18+ and for some reason I only get along with people over 17 I'm not sure why , I sleep all day and stay up till sunrise and ofc I'm judged by my family when I don't get up in the daytime, I've also gained a lot of weight and that's the main reason Im scared to leave my home I leave about 4 times MONTH and ik it's not healthy me and my family are severely poor so I'm always surrounded by drug addicts, cops and fighting, thanks for listening

04.23.22, depending on others, like friends and family, can be extremely disappointing and even harmful. seems like that's what you have going for you. no wonder you're feeling so low. if you can't count on family, who can you count on? looks to me that you are basically on your own. this is supposed to normally happen to people older than you.
so now what? seems to me that you need to focus on you. better yourself by any means possible. become a free thinking, independent person that does not need anyone, while cultivating friendships as best you can. chances are, you have not yet met your best friend. i have three. one i met in 5th grade, one in 12th, and one 29 years later. i started early in my youth to be able to be alone and be ok with it. i had hobbies and kept busy. i am the same now in my 60's. i have friends, but i'd rather be at home, doing my stuff. you do your anime and creepypasta. it's ok, as long as it's positive for you.
i wrote this on the website: "remember, you are responsible for your own well being. love who you are and who you can be. always maintain an effort to improve upon yourself and allow no one to affect that. rid yourself of those that hold you back, no matter who they are. be they stranger, friend, or even family, lose the destructive forces tearing you down. end your addictions, be they drugs, alcohol, love, social media, and/or whatever consumes you to a negative degree. better yourself. associate with those that care about you. become stronger and healthier in body and mind. by all means, talk to people that can help you." seems some of that might speak to you.
bottom line, work on you. become a better you. screw everyone else. if they can not give you time, do not let them live in your head. you absolutely do not need that. you can and will get better, once you become comfortable with yourself.

Can u be my therapist -
anyone can be their own therapist, once you stop worrying about how others affect you and focus on how you affect you. you are the only one that can change you. wishing and hoping others rescue you, more often fails. hang on to those that truly care about you, discard those that do not and do not care about them in return. you may well be spending a lot of alone time, so make it positive for you. do your hobbies, work on a healthy mind and body. you can do this. you will do this.

04.24.22, 4:37am, Thank you

02.22.23, U still here.. Phil..?
hello! yes i am. glad to see you are as well. i hope things are better for you. please tell me.
Well.. I tend to still stay inside and I've gotten a boyfriend, he makes me really happy.. My mom wants me to get a therapist but I'm scared to, my family still struggles a lot financially so I'm always stressed about money, thankfully I turn 16 next year and I'll be able to work.
you seem to be coming off feeling better overall. wonderful. plus, you are planning ahead about working and moving towards independence. it takes time, effort, and desire, but you are heading that way. stay focused and seek the little joys that make life worthwhile. glad the boyfriend is a positive for you. write back anytime you wish.
Okay! Thanks

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