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suicide pods

the sarco pod project
updated: 01.01.24
12.29.23: suicide pods becoming legal?
12.29.23,, Back in 2021, a 'suicide pod' was made completely legal and fully approved for use in Switzerland.
Philip Nitschke, the former physician and founder of the pro-euthanasia group Exit International, created the suicide capsule machine.
He wanted to create ‘peaceful, reliable, drug-free’ method of dying, and one that could be used in the complete control of even those who have very severe illnesses such as locked-in syndrome.

The 3D-printed capsule allows someone who wishes to die to do it in way that was previously not permitted by law.
Patients would normally have to have a doctor administer liquid sodium pentobarbital, which will make them fall asleep after a few minutes, then into a coma and then eventually die.

But Nitschke machine's approaches the concept of suicide a little differently.
Speaking to LADbible in 2021, Nitschke said: "I’ve always wanted to remove the role [and the] need for professional people to prescribe difficult drugs to use.
"The idea of using a gas, in this case an inert gas came up, because if you can find a suitably elegant and attractive container, climb in, and then flood that container with an inert gas like nitrogen so that the level of oxygen rapidly drops, you rapidly go into a state of cerebral hypoxia, which is pretty quick, and you’ll faint very quickly and die within a few minutes.
"That’s the idea behind it."
Speaking further to Swiss-info, the creator spoke further about how the 'suicide pod' actually works.
He said: "The person will get into the capsule and lie down. It's very comfortable. They will be asked a number of questions and when they have answered, they may press the button inside the capsule activating the mechanism in their own time.

"The capsule is sitting on a piece of equipment that will flood the interior with nitrogen, rapidly reducing the oxygen level to 1 percent from 21 percent.
"The person will feel a little disoriented and may feel slightly euphoric before they lose consciousness. The whole thing takes about 30 seconds.
"Death takes place through hypoxia and hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively. There is no panic, no choking feeling."
Nitschke went on to say the user would also get a feeling of euphoria just before they pass out due to the nitrogen, meaning their final moments would be happy and content.
If you or someone you know is struggling or in mental health crisis, help is available through Mental Health America. Call or text 988 or chat You can also reach Crisis Text Line by texting MHA to 741741.
You can also call 1-800-985-5990 or text "TalkWithUs" to 66746 at the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline.

facebook post,
• Patrick M., We put down our pets to end suffering but we aren’t allowed to do it to ourselves. I’m 100% for them. In a "free" country we should be allowed to peacefully end our lives.

• Fawkes M., I think people should choose if they want to live or not…. It’s hard to talk about not many understand it.

• Kristina P., I have worked in mental health for 25 yrs and have seen a lot of turmoil. I'd would have rather seen this than some of the harsher ways to end ones own life.

• Kayla W., I think it's beautiful to remove the stigma from death on your own terms. Give those suffering their dignity ♡

• Kaitlyn B., I agree 100% and think it is a great idea especially for those suffering from a severe illness.

• Laura T., What the heck is that ?
  Skyway Bridge, Laura, it's a teleport machine. now it's a snap to travel anywhere in the world in seconds. while it's still in the experimental stage, as one of the test subjects was sent inside a mountain instead of on it and another is thought to have been sent about a mile under the sea, the device will prove to be man's greatest invention, once the pesky bugs have been worked out.
  Laura T., Skyway Bridge don't be a smart ass, it's unbecoming of you ,some of us ask legitimate questions and your supposed to be the moderator. If you can't even be that, quit
  Skyway Bridge, Laura, don't be a dumb ass, it's unbecoming of you. you ask a ridiculous question, without so much as following the offered link to the article. why would i, the supposed moderator, post an article for you to read, but then have to separately detail the article to you, because you are too lazy to read it yourself? if you can't even read it, don't ask me to read it to you.
  Laura T., Skyway Bridge well your an idiot that's why ,I used to read this page ,but am now unfollowing because of you, hope your satisfied.
  Skyway Bridge, Laura, this idiot misses you already. i doubt you read any of it anyway, as you haven't asked me to read it to you. for future reference, it's spelled "you're".
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plan your own exit...
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