e-mail/form privacy statement |
your e-mail address and identity are not sent to us by filling out our forms. unless you include a real name, we have no idea who
or where you are when you use the forms. if you want a direct reply, you must include your real e-mail address. your e-mail address and/or identity, if provided, are for our use only. we never send harassing e-mail. you will never receive spam e-mail from us or be put on any mailing lists what so ever. no one will receive access to your email address from us, without your permission.* e-mail addresses are never posted on this site or stored on the server, even with permission. never. this goes for everyone, even haters of the vilest kind. these policies have been in place and in practice since 1998. * for example: you want to contact someone through this site and you direct us to pass along your contact info to this someone. |
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