2022-2025 • updated: 01.12.25 |
latest hates are at the top. (our responses to hates follow) |
01.12.25, Heather I., facebook, I’m not exactly sure who’s in charge of this page??? I do find that, for years countless of people who were sick and going thur things found this the place of their demise. And you, you think, for one moment it hasn’t impacted the lives of thousands! You installed cameras to watch things unfold, you put the coastguard in the water with heat detector to find bodies, you put all this in place, but never once a safety net?? Not once a way to deter people from doing it?? Until someone stood up against you after losing a child! The year my sister did, it had been talked about but no possibility of it happening. December 2018, was one of the worst in history for the number of deaths, which also was the month of
my sister!! Now there’s something in place??? Why wasn’t this thought of sooner?? It’s no secret that for years people have gone to that bridge. Instead of a safety net, instead you watch it all unfold?? Sick if you ask me just sick!! Do you think the families have suffered enough?? Then you go and make everyone relive a traumatic event! For what exactly? I’m sure this day and age you could think of some much better content then too, rekindle more hurt??? How bout some positivity!! You stupid
fucks!!! ? 01.12.25, the same people run this site, so nothing has changed. where have we indicated that skyway suicide jumpers haven't impacted the lives of thousands? that was one of our main contentions for ending them. we only run the website and have zero input as to who installed the cameras or who puts the coastguard in the water. we put none of that in place. as for the safety net, we are pretty sure this website had a hand in forcing those in charge to finally erect one. we called for something to be done for many years. we do not make people come here to relive their traumatic event. like you, they voluntarily visit the page, then get outraged, and then bitch about it to us. then we stupid fucks positively post your rage on the 'hate mail' page. 01.12.25, Ronnale I., this is the second time recently that I thought the posts here were inappropriate? What is up with the page admin??? 01.12.25, Heather I., me as well! Third times a charm really got me! I don’t understand who’s running it anymore but now that there’s no active jumpers they make the old ones big news again?? For what exactly?? Other then bad policy, which we all know is better then one at all, just unfortunate that, the victims families and loved ones still continue to suffer! 01.12.25, Ronnale and Heather, you are free to stay away from the website and this (facebook) page. unlike/unfollow this page. there will be a dozen+ more throwback jump stories coming up and i would not want you to outrage further. be well and have a great 2025. 01.12.25, Liz E., Heather, something has definitely changed. I’ve followed this page for a long time and I don’t recall any post like these last two. And then the way they banter back and forth with people calling them out. Definitely can’t be the same person who started this page. It’s sad. 01.13.25, Liz, nothing has changed. we have committed banter back and forth with people since the first time someone bantered upon us. i hope your sadness fades into gladness. 01.12.25, Sonya M., facebookdm, This was a respectable site until your last 2 posts. (10.12.09 and 09.05.73) Do you not have anything better to do with your time? What you are doing is a disgrace and very disrespectful to people with mental illness (which I suspect you have). Your site is listed as News & Media, this is not news. I will no longer be following your page due to your total disregard and lack of respect and integrity. 01.12.25, actually, we do not have anything better to do with our time. our mental illness causes us to post skyway jumper "News & Media" as we see it. it is in fact, news. this is not the airport and there is no need to announce your departure. you are free to leave and no longer follow this "total disregard and lack of respect and integrity". we haven't had any hate mail in some time and thank you for your inclusion. be well and do have a great new year. 07.02.24, Jeffica Frog, location: idk I'm not reliable when it comes to my living Im 13 bud I have no issue with you i just wanna be a prick. no but seriously imagine being salty about that. okay first of all YOUR SITE IS BAD (lookswise) literally what is that background it just looks like my current skin condition which is NOT GOOD. SECOND no restaurant recs nearby? nothing? i bet half of these motherfuckers aren't even from Florida they just came to jump but of course you didn't think that through you avocado conditioner of a person. i mean if I was jumping off of a cliff id love a delicious last meal. EVEN THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS THIS. 3. please I beg of you update this site it's sooo fuggin old and clunky ugh its so old and clunky like (dis)respectfully if you got a birthday cake for this site the candles would cost more than the actual cake. like this is a genuine plea some sites are good nostalgic and this site was one of them until like 2021 so PLEASE ADD A BETTER LAYOUT PLEASE.okay moving on because that was an actual complaint and those are dumb. and also if jumping off the middle of the bridge hurts what about the sides??? i need to know. knowledge is power. uh so I know y'all have lost someone so I guess no making fun of suicidal people I GUESS which kind of sucks but yea also sure people are dying but wHaT aBoUT ThE WAr iN gAzA okay bye turdface (like we'll get right on it like, as being an avocado conditioner of a person, we always take direction from stellar contributors such as yourself.~) oh look, it's back with more: 07.04.24, Jeffica Frog, I'm only here to be an obnoxious little cunt again (doing what you do best.), hello there. I genuinely wish I had a problem with the site (you blasted the site in your first missive, then follow up in this one with a detailed plethora of problems with the site.) but I don't know these people? it is def insensitive and I assume it's because you lost someone for some stupid reason (no seriously bro had emotional intelligence comparable to a teenage girl) and out of impulsive pettiness (which is not necessarily a bad thing) made this site and its OUT OF DATE FORMAT (you failed to leave a link to your spiffy new, awesome, and up to date website.) and OBNOXIOUSLY MEDIOCRE BACKROUND sorry okay um but I def think that you could be maybe a teensy bit more sensitive and even though that will unfortunately greatly decrease the number of hate mail, it'll get people off your case. (the more hate mail the better.) i mean it's gotta be annoying- people tend to be snowflakes so generally you can ignore them bc who gives a [insert known expletive here because I'm saving it for later ;)] but I think the whole "by killing yourself you will bring shame upon your entire family kinda makes you look like a douche. also I know that there's like no way to avoid this but people hate when they're turned into statistics, objects so try being like "YOU WILL BE BUT A MERE STATISTIC ON OUR SITE and I guess on that twitter survey you did that one time" (we never had a "twitter survey" at any time.) I've never lost anyone to suicide so I wouldn't understand (we did, so what?) and thank god cause it means I can make fun of the rest of you with 0 guilt okay time to make the ACTUAL most boring hate mail legggo You are sick. This site is sick. Just being in this sites presence should make you feel shame for being entertained by someone else's loss. i came on here expecting actual useful information but dead people aren't really good for anything are they. MOVING ON! you know, this site is so appalling that it should be removed immediately. take it down you sinful creature. it's so cruel that you would make fun of people that are going through a hard time. my friend/mom/friend's mom/friends cousins mom killed herself and it feels awful to just bear with that. how about you phil? how would you feel if your teenage girl man thing went and jumped off of a bridge because some bitch left him? (being as i was not a shitty dad and my kids love me, they turned out pretty well adjusted and far less prone to suicide. how is your daddy relationship? something tells me it's less than favorable.) you obviously wouldn't understand sob sob this site is so awful that you should jump as well (ooh contradiction tasteful is it not) suicide is NOT funny. you will rot in the darkest pits of the unforsaken land, your thin, encrusted skin peeling, your ears ringing from the cries of those you mocked, your eyes bloodshot and itchy, YOUR SIENSE WONT HELP YOU WHEN YOUR BEING RAPPED BY THE DEVUl. mY MUtha is a lawyer and this site will shut down (oh no, not your law mommy, please no!~) whether you like it or not you fucking fuckfaced fucktard fukily fucking them dead peeps over like a god-fucking-damn asshole like please stop having opinions its like not their fault they died you probably like it bc it brings more content to your website you fart, you BAD PERSON (insert gasp) like have some compassion, all you care about is controversy and inflicting pain. i mean? how do you even sleep at night? this is a genuine question I takec 6mg of melatonin a night, you are unprofessional, have hate in your cold black heart, and you can suck my very large doorknob (not sure how i will ever recover from your flurry of intellectual insults.~) ps: rick astley is so 2007 please for the love of heavenly daddies from all the cults change it to something more relevant (as long as it infuriates the likes of you, we're ♪♫♪♫ never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down ♫♪♫♪.) pps: tildes are actually used to show playfulness or flirting so you better shape up before the internet realises you were flirting with a 13 year old (yes, "flirting" is exactly what sane people will glean from this dialog.~) ppps: stop being mean to religious people, their faith gives them something to live for, and they don't tend to jump off of bridges as much as their non-religious cousins as much, so I guess god has saved them if you think about it pppps: dont reuse any pictures. hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell (thank you, froggy, for spending so much time perusing this "awful, bad, appalling, out of date, old, and clunky" website and taking it all in with such focused depth, concentration, and concern. do return when you feel the need to further entertain us, as surely you can find so much more to crybaby on and on about. never give us up, never let us down! we are here for you, you be here for us! in closing, we recommend that you replace the melatonin with a cornucopia of available head meds, preferably the kind that stimulates suicidal thoughts.) 05.06.24, anon, florida, regarding: this website, message: Since the fence was put up, i can see your website is nice and boring. I would consider taking down, as waiting for someone to commit suicide to get hits doesn't seem like the right thing to do. There are people who are hurt and lost loved ones, and unless you have loss one this way, doesn't send a message to those to land here, to look at the website owner as someone who's in the right state of mind. Seek help bro. Sincerely, Florida citizen. (dear anonymous florida citizen, regarding your nice and boring experience on this website. we consider leaving it published, as a reminder of the suicide history the bridge has and always will have. we no longer run ads and hits have no bearing on anything. we don't track hits, nor do we care. yes, there are people who are hurt and have lost loved ones, as we too have lost one this way as well. what of it? this website owner is someone who is satisfied with my current state of mind, but thanks for your needless concern, florida citizen.) 10.13.23, hateful facebook commenteering, about this incident, started by Nina's innocuous comment: Nina R., Probably upset about those rising toll fees. • Rachelle M., Nina R. not funny. • Kristen B. P., Nina R. wow. Why are you even on this page? You don’t even live here. • Skyway Bridge, Kristen, what's the difference where she lives? we don't even live here and we run this page and the website. • Robbin S., Nina R. what a foolish thing to say • Callie K., Nina R. you’re sick. Your karma will come • Cedric H., Nina R. I laughed. Maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't this start out as the Skyway Bridge Jumper Pool? Like, you'd bet on when the next person was going to jump, and if they'd hit concrete or water... and now people are going to get offended over a little mild dark humor? I'm only in my 30s and I already miss when people used to be cool. • Skyway Bridge, Cedric, seems most people have lost their cool long ago. one could only imagine the outrage if it was still the jumperpool. • Amanda N., Cedric H. that's what I thought too • Alex S., Nina R. that’s fucked up. What if this was a family member of yours and didn’t know? Would you find it funny than? If this was a family member of mine and someone laughed at it someone would be getting fucked up. You never know what someone is going thru. I hope you step on a thousand fucking legos • Mindy O., Nina R. A comment in poor taste • Rachelle M., Cedric H. as long as I've been a part of this page it was NEVER that. I don't see the humor in someone's pain and suffering or the loss of a human life. If this is what this page is about, then clearly it's not for me. • Skyway Bridge, Rachelle, we miss you already. • Rachelle M., Skyway Bridge that's disappointing. So, you created this page to make humor of people's pain and suffering? The laugh at the loss of human life? • Cedric H., Rachelle M. I think context is necessary. When this page started, it was a regular web site, and it was started because the media wasn't reporting on the epidemic of jumpers in the 90s. The jumper page brought attention to the ongoing crisis and got the media to acknowledge that there was a big problem, and yeah, I think a lot of regulars developed a sense of gallows humor. I know people who have hurt themselves, and I know people who are still coping with wanting to hurt themselves. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy a cheap laugh every once in awhile. It's a terrible thing, but even people who have gone through the worst horrors still find a way to laugh. • Cedric H., Skyway Bridge I still remember the first time I heard about the page, I want to say it was on the late 90s, but I definitely remember hearing Mark Larsen talk about it on his radio show. My dad came home from work and we looked it up and laughed our asses off, the Van Halen thing, magnificent. I feel like there was care taken to have a balance between respect and honor for the deceased and a sort of cautionary mocking, as if to say "don't do this stupid thing that you're about to do, or you'll end up on here." People aren't emotionally mature enough to deal with that anymore, even the old folks, they've been conditioned to be offended too. It's a serious problem for the mental health of our society. But that's enough for now. I hope you are well. • Melanie W., Nina R. can you be so kind as to let us know when you'll be committing suicide so we can all laugh at you and your pain/misery? Thanks! • Skyway Bridge, Cedric, all is well. hope the same for you. the barrier has been a great deterrent and i don't miss the periodic jumper event. as for the current trend of "look at me! i'm offended! validate me!" virtue signaling nonsense, it makes me want to resurrect the jumperpool, just to throw them into tantrum. we are a weak emotional pussified nation and nothing good can come from that. later, nina checks in: 10.19.23, Nina R., facebookdm, I just got flamed on my personal inbox from people! Just because of a dark humor comment ("Probably upset about those rising toll fees.") that didn't go personal to this victim. You would think im Satan himself! I didn't attack this guy personally. Now I have people wanting me to die. (Sheesh) Why do we have a world that is so offended by every little thing? This is all fake outrage. They couldn't care less about that person. But whoa, you make a general dark humor comment, now your the heartless A-hole who should be killed. I just had a small taste of all the hate you've dealt with all these years of running this site. I hope you don't deter because of the slow down. I have to admit though, getting this hate mail in my inbox, and seeing those comments really kinda make me feel alive in a weird sort of way. Also thanks for coming to my defense from the one chick. I have half a mind to start responding to all these haters. I guess by them wanting me to die, justifies their self-righteous vain existence. I give a big middle finger to them. I'm glad one of my little comments set the house on fire! (Just takes a spark right) Anyway, I hope you are doing well and keep up the good work. Until the next bit of Skyway news, keep your powder dry. (nina, it seems that too many people are sanitized against humor, especially dark humor. even when confronted with simple humor that "injures" their self-weakened mentality, they fly into rage. it then becomes more humorous than the original post that triggered their delicate insecurities in the first place. some would literally harm you physically, over some nontoxic thing you said, that they could easily let slide and move along, but they just can not. they want to saddle up and go to battle, usually becoming more offensive than the post they are responding to. fake outrage indeed. it's actually comedy gold, thus, all this awesome hate. feel free to post their vile wordage here for all to see. some haters get even more put out, once their private venom goes public.) 09.15.22, naomi, florida, this site looks like shit i miss when more websites looked all fucked up. its kind of comforting. really the site as a whole is comforting in the way that it makes me feel better about being a piece of garbage it seems almost bizarre that there would be a full organized website for something like this. i appreciate the effort to archive information and i really like the community approach. again its comforting. this shits making me feel all philosophical and poetic but i just like to romanticize. i feel embarassed to admit it but it would be cool to end up on this page. it bothers me that only my family and one or two people would ever know if i killed myself so the idea of garnering a little tiny bit of attention from a few strangers on the internet is appealing. Not that i would ever drive down to tampa and deal with all that regardless of how i end up. btw the admin(s) here are annoying as hell. maybe a step down from reddit mods in terms of self important douchebags. i dont really care about the ethics but damn get over yourself (let's see, where would a self important douchebag that can't get over himself, start with this? in review: the site looks like shit, yet you miss when more websites looked all fucked up, but it's kind of comforting, as a whole, because it makes you "feel better about being a piece of garbage". you appreciate the effort to archive information and like the community approach. again, its comforting and yet, almost bizarre. this shits making you feel all philosophical and poetic, but you just like to romanticize about it being cool to end up on this page, because a few strangers might step in, where your only two people and family left off, after you've killed yourself. does that about cover it? we get it, you're angry at life and probably hate everything, including yourself. we hope we're not being annoying as hell by perhaps suggesting that you seek some help. just put down the social media and back away. if you would like to dialog with someone, we are here for you. seriously, write back. be well and good luck.) 01.20.22, Kate W., Los Angeles, Cali, ur mom 69/69/69, this site sucks ass pls make it look normal (remember when the hate mail was worth reading? yeah, those were the days.) |
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