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2022 jump events

updated: 12.30.22
have any factual news, updates, or additions?
(our comments follow)
12.30.22: possible jumper, 2:20pm, male
thank you, jumpnews reporter:
01.04.23, anon, unknown male 6', December 30, 2022, 2;00pm, Heard announcment on ch 16 VHF radio from USCG St Petersburg "Jumper on center span of Skyway bridge; boaters be advised". At 2:45 pm report of search for "Person in the water, keep lookout"

any more info is welcome.
11.22.22: possible barrier jump check?
thank you, jumpnews reporters:
11.22.22, anon, (4:00pm, male), Grey Chevy parked on the side, a man with a red flannel and basketball shorts was messing with the fencing and looking over the edge, might've been attempting to climb the fence just past the construction zone

11.22.22, John Doe, (4:00pm, male, no phones, never jumped), Long time, no see. I'm the person who stopped on the bridge, and got out of the car to mainly test the fence honestly, I thought about jumping but stopped myself from doing so. The fence isn't that hard to climb, especially near the supports where it doesn't bend as much.
offering more:
11.25.22, John Doe, Sanford, Florida, I agree with Sean B. I do believe the fence has saved me from myself on 2 occasions, on May 17th and Nov. 22nd. I had every intention of hopping off, and accounted for the barrier in my plans, cause I can physically climb it, it's not that hard. But where before you could dolphin dive off and not have a second thought about it, now you have to think about doing that climb, and it makes you think "is this really what you want to do, is this how you go out?" It makes it hard to stay firm, especially when my mind was still at war on the span. I remember grabbing the fence, looking over, and tried to pull myself upwards, but I stopped myself halfway, screamed at myself, slammed my car door and sped off to not get caught by FHP. The fence works, I'm proof it does.

any more info is welcome.
facebook post,
• 11.24.22, Sean B., I read this; look back at all the suicides from previous years; and wonder how many of those people would have had the moment that this man did had the barrier been there.
Many of them made the decision to jump before they got there. They committed themselves to the act in advance in order to not be stopped by either someone else or themselves. We see in this situation that the barrier eliminates that step in the process by adding another one.
Whether this man or anyone else realizes it (or chooses to do so) or not, the barrier just gave someone a second chance, when they may not have felt like doing so at the time. (if only the barrier detractors could think like you do.)

• 11.24.22, Susan P., Water WAY TOO cold, Bridge WAY TOO high, The lil fishies called SHARKS
TOO many people, I feel many cases, not all are action seeking turned deadly. And the thought of surviving and living life Forever in a wheelchair with a broken back should be deterrant on it's own. It literally makes my stomach sick that people think this is the way out. I get peoples reasons, kinda.
We all struggle in someway, I've struggled horribly at times...but never ever would I leave my son or family. I had a dear coworker blow her beautiful head off because her boyfriend of 11 years cheated on her and she felt helpless.
I get the feelings of loss,stress or pressure or whatever the reason that people may be feeling at that moment... it CAN get better though.
Life is hard, we all know may not care about yourself...but others care about you whether you feel it or not.
Have you thought about the pain they will FOREVER feel in life?
I know in my heart things would have changed for my friend and we'd be seeing that beautiful smile until we are called home at the right time.
Now, it was too late.
She's gone, she doesn't care...
We now have to suffer for life with her memory. It's very sad.
09.30.22: a vague 8 hour incident
09.30.22, Hillsborough Sheriff, ASSIST OTHER AGENCY, 13:43, 20:38, 7h55m

any more info is welcome.
09.12.22: possible jumper
thank you, jumpnews reporter:
09.13.22, Barbara H., facebook, Yesterday evening I heard a lot of sirens headed to the Skyway and I saw on next door Von Williams on Sunshine Skyway Lane South posted 11 hours ago then people were commenting and Karen Swain said she saw emergency vehicles and two boats with flashing red and blue lights and the helicopter circling and on Twitter for Pinellas it said water rescue marine needed so I'm wondering if there was a jumper.

any more info is welcome.
09.06.22: articles - drop in number of suicides reported.
08.23.22: possible jumper, 8:30pm, female
thank you, jumpnews reporters:
08.23.22, Benjamin, St. Pete, (8:30pm), Was driving up on top the bridge when I saw a blue car, what I think is a Nissan, pull over at the top very slowly then drive off. I did not follow the car as I had to get to destination. Please let me know if there was a report of a jumper in a blue nissan.

08.23.22, Brittany, Tampa, (female), Saw a navy blue car slowing down and pulling over on the bridge, I was driving the speed limit but as I passed the windows were clear. Was a young woman with dark hair I believe. I do not know if she jumped or not, maybe was considering. If you’re reading this I really hope you are okay, I thing is worth taking your life over and you have so many people out here who care about you. You look way too young to be considering ending the beginning of your life.

any more info is welcome.
07.09.22: possible jumper, 10:00pm
thank you, jumpnews reporter:
07.09.22, Kayla R., St. Petersburg, (10:00pm), White Lincoln stopped at the top of the bridge on my way home. Couldn’t see if anyone was in the car.

any more info is welcome.
05.27.22: article - suicides have dropped dramatically.
05.15.22: jumper, 9:25am, female, lived, jumped from below the barrier line.
thank you, jumpnews reporter:
05.15.22, anon, This is female. Picked up by boat later: Trauma alert. Jumped from just before fence

any more info is welcome.
05.15.22, Hillsborough Sheriff, Location: 0 BLOCK SKYWAY BRIDGE, Event: MENTALLY ILL PERSON / VIOLENT, Service Date: 05/15/2022 @ 9:25 Time Cleared: 12:41 3h16m, Report Number: 22376693
facebook post,
• 05.17.22, Marcus S., My Buddy and I were Tarpon fishing and she landed right behind our Boat she would not get in the boat or take any help. We called 911 right away, held her for 45 mins until Hillsborough County Sheriff's came. later: ...she kept saying she did something very bad and wrong. I held her next to the boat she kept trying to drowned herself.
open request to this person: care to tell your story?
05.15.22: save, male, 4:40am - 07:30am
thank you, jumpnews reporters:
05.15.22, Darlena G., facebook, My daughter is on the north side of the skyway waiting to come over. She said there is a jumper. She just said it may be another hour. So sad

05.15.22, Mike D., facebook, Southbound is shutdown, uhaul truck against the barrier fence with fire rescue and someone or multiple people on top of the truck. It was dark so couldn’t tell if they were fixing something or what

05.15.22, anon, facebook, Possible jumper. Standing on top of U-Haul, Started about 445am, Still negotiating, All sb closed later: He is just sitting there. Not even moving. Maybe they can do something when hcso and fhp can figure out who is in charge later: In custody


05.15.22, Travis P., facebook,

05.15.22, Diana C., Ellenton, On the way to taking my son to the airport and I see lights. As we reached the very top, I see a man standing on top of a UHAUL truck! Emergency vehicles everywhere! South bound is completely closed. Never did I imagine I would see what may be someone's possible last moments. So sad that this person feels so hopeless. The temptation to escape the pain must be too overwhelming to fight. I pray he changes his mind!

any more info is welcome.
05.15.22,, SO22-147589 04:54 AM, ASSIST OTHER AGENCY, 0 Sunshine Skyway Ln S, ST PETERSBURG, SI10

05.15.22, Hillsborough Sheriff, Location: 0 BLOCK SKYWAY BRIDGE, Event: MENTALLY ILL PERSON / NON VIOLENT, Service Date: 05/15/2022 @ 5:37, Time Cleared: 9:43 4h06m, Report Number: 22376368
05.15.22,, TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Person standing on UHaul closes Sunshine Skyway Bridge.
The southbound lanes of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge have been closed as authorities are gathered at what appears to be the bridge’s peak.
At this time, there is little known information on the situation, but 8 On Your Side has learned that an investigation is underway. Traffic cams showed a person sitting on top of a UHaul before they climbed down from the vehicle.
We are awaiting more information from the Florida Highway Patrol.
Drivers are asked to seek an alternate route in the meanwhile.
facebook post
open request to this person: care to tell your story?
04.24.22: jumper, died, body found same day
thank you, jumpnews reporter:
04.24.22, anon, Body pulled from under bridge

any more info is welcome.
04.24.22, traffic feed, SUICIDE, SKYWAY BRIDGE SB [7 BRIDGE SKYWAY SB X2[SR-55]] x[SR-55] [SAINT PETERSBURG], DispatchTime: 09:46 ArriveTime: 09:52, Notes: ROADBLOCK INSIDE LANES

04.24.22, Hillsborough Sheriff, SKYWAY BG, DECEASED PERSON, 9:34, 16:27, 7h53m
04.24.22, iontb/fb, Skyway Bridge: Expect delays on the Skyway due to emergency vehicle activity

04.24.22, Lisa K., We headed across the bridge at 7am and there was a car parked at the top of the bridge on the inside shoulder lane. Coming back northbound around 10:30, FHP and 2 sheriffs had the doors & trunk open on the car and one officer was gloves and had evidence bags in his hand. later: FHP has it marked as a suicide

04.24.22, Debbie D., The PCSO website says "water rescue". And google maps shows delays in both directions.

04.24.22, Amy H., Jumper again today. Showing traffic on bridge and water rescue and FHP showing suicide all approx same time.
facebook post,
• 04.24.22, Amy C., I drive this bridge 3 times a week for the last 3 years for school. My very first day there was a jumper. I’ve been stuck at the bridge 3 times myself for jumpers. Since this fence there are virtually no incidence. This is the first I’ve heard of a successful jumper. Yes if someone wants to end their life they will do it but the fence protects drivers as well. It’s very traumatic to witness.
03.18.22: possible jumper, 4:00pm
thank you, jumpnews reporter:
03.18.22, Olivia O., Palmetto, florida, Saw a blue car Running at the top of the bridge with nobody inside of the vehicle. Traffic on the other side of the bridge was backing up. This was Going south is where i saw vehicle at approx 4:00 pm on Friday

any more info is welcome.
03.04.22: possible jumper
thank you, jumpnews reporter:
03.04.22, Kim, Clearwater, Fl., Possible jumper-- now, Pinellas county active 911 calls show water rescue at bridge at 9:30 pm and still listed as current call

any more info is welcome.
02.19.22: jump survivor, 9:00am, male, no crisis phones
thank you, jumpnews reporters:
02.21.22, Ben N., Bradenton, Florida, (02.19.22, 9:00am, male, no crisis phones), Drove over the bridge 2 days ago and saw a car on the side with a man holding the fence while looking over the concrete barrier, not sure if they jumped or not

02.21.22, anon, (02.19.22, 9:00am), I saw an unusual amount of Coast Guard activity near the bridge on the 19th while fishing. Could be related to the new possible

02.21.22, Daniel, St. Pete, (02.19.22, 9:00am), I had a nurse friend telling me of a person who came from the Skyway with major injuries on saturday in the morning, I'll ask them what happened when they get off work later: Friend said the man was indeed a jumper recovered by uscg in critical

02.21.22, Jake A., St Pete, (02.19.22, 9:00am, male, hit water, lived, recovered), I asked my friend in uscg and he told me that there was a jumper Saturday morning from a lower portion of the bridge that was unconscious when they pulled him out of the water

02.22.22, JT, (02.19.22, 9:05am, male, hit water, lived, body found), The jumper is my friend, they said that he was driving with a friend when they stopped just past the north tower going northbound, and climed the fence and fell into the water and was picked up by Coast guard around 5 minutes afterwards

any more info is welcome.
facebook post
open request to this person: care to tell your story?
01.30.22: jumper, 9:05p, male, died, body found next day
Melvin 'Dean' Paul Jr., 75
thank you, jumpnews reporters:
01.30.22, ESP, St. Pete, (9:05pm), St. Pete FD, PD, USCG, FFWC, HCSO & ECSR personnel searching under the main span per Pinellas 911, marine and fire radios (acronyms)

01.30.22, Christina P., facebook, Florida Police Scanner, Several boats searching, Nothing yet. Male subject climbed the fence and jumped from the hump

01.30.22, Florida Police Scanner, facebook, MALE SUBJECT CLIMBED THE FENCE AND JUMPED FROM THE HUMP OF THE BRIDGE, #FHP is on scene of the Skyway Bridge where a male subject exited their vehicle, climbed the security fence and jumped from the bridge into the Tampa Bay. #HCSO Deputies and the #USCG are responding to assist in searching for the subject. Use caution in the area while they investigate this incident. No further information is available at this time. #FloridaPoliceScanner

01.30.22, anon, I think there’s a jumper northbound right now!

01.31.22, anon, Body located about 11am today, Older male

any more info is welcome.
01.30.22, Hillsborough Sheriff, MISSING PERSONS - ADULT ENDANGERED, Service Date: 01/30/2022 @ 21:02, Time Cleared: 1:05 4h03m, report #2274268

01.31.22, Hillsborough Sheriff, MISSING PERSONS - RECOVERED, Service Date: 01/31/2022 @ 10:54, Time Cleared: 18:22 7h16m, report #2275693
01.30.22, iontb/fb, Skyway Bridge: Police and fire rescue activity in Pinellas County on I-275 Northbound at MM 11. Right shoulder blocked.
 Melvin 'Dean' Paul Jr.   Melvin 'Dean' Paul Jr.

facebook post,
• 02.01.22, Sean B., And now….there will inevitably be some dickhead detractor that will say "I told you so." So I say in advance: please do not embarrass yourself to open your mouth….The barrier works, and will continue to work. Unfortunately, there was an individual who was determined enough to overcome it.
01.24.22: jumper save, 6:00p, male, climbed barrier fence, taken away
thank you, jumpnews reporters:
01.24.22, Nicole, St Petersburg, (6:00pm, male), I was driving north across the skyway and there was a man straddling the top of the suicide barrier on the south side. There was one police vehicle with lights as I passed but 8-10 were heading south as I continued on (sheriffs and St Pete police). I can’t find any information about the possible jumper.

01.25.22, anon, Multiple people shared same story. Eventually there was a call at the Skyway for a suicide call which kind of confirmed it. Most likely took in to custody and called fd to evaluate.

01.25.22, anon, I have a friend who’s husband is a police officer and he found out for me that the man was talked down and Baker acted.


any more info is welcome.
facebook post,
• 01.25.22, Barbara H., I heard the familiar fast sounding siren then looked outside at the dismal cold rain and thought to myself ... no way someone would get out in this weather to jump off the bridge but apparently I was wrong.

• 02.01.22, Mandy W., I wonder if this is the same guy who actually made the jump just a few days later… 🤔
were we contacted by the saved man?
01.28.22, CL, St pete, fl, (01.24.22, 6:00p, male, no crisis phones, climbed fence, didn't jump, taken away), It was me, good cop. Thank you. The fence is flimsy and hard to climb but if your fit and want it bad enough, no problem. Thanks to a understanding police officer, I came down. Inner thighs bruised and the fence was swaying about 3 feet left to right on the top while I straddled it. Sorry to my friends and family and the traffic jam I caused. Thanks again to the state trooper. Will reach out to him, once i feel im safe. (thanks for reaching out, if indeed you are the one. hope you now have a better understanding about your life and what you hope to do with it. good luck and be well.)
02.17.22, CK, St pete, regarding: If I can help. message: I'm the gout from 1-24-22 that came down no jump. I have videos and a story if I can help I will work with you guys anyway I can727430xxxx. I straddled the fence other heavy winds and I was full of vodka, vey lucky I didn't fall, heat cops to that could have easily gave me a dui. Anyway, I'm here to help I wrote you before, I'm a m the guy no BS (feel free to tell your story. it could help others that may feel the way you felt that day. we'd be curious in how the authorities dealt with you under the circumstances, as well as the baker act process. what did you have to go through, having perched on the fence like that? we are glad you did not jump and have the opportunity to continue working on your life.)

facebook post,
• 01.28.22, M. L., Your comment makes me cry. My ex committed suicide in June. He was the glue to my family. Now it's just me taking care of each and every situation, including a new baby. Do you know how hard it is to explain to a grandchild who's papa walked out at lunch and said, "I love you" and never returned. Said grandchild thought he was coming home for dinner. Grandchild will never be the same again. Life is full of, "What if's" for us now. I cry every day because of what I imagine his thoughts were. Yes he reached out to us and yes we tried to help him. He wouldn't let us. My life doesn't make sense anymore and I feel like it's hell. Please think about your family and what the lasting effects will be on them. Please let them help you.

• 02.01.22, Debbie Korell, I’m 12 years into surviving my husbands suicide. I’m reaching out to all of you who need somewhere safe you can talk. Pm me. We will talk. I’m not a professional. Just a safe space. Hugs. Ps: you nasty trolls: I will report and block you. Hugs.

• 04.04.24, Sharen C., I lost my brother to suicide 1/24/2008. Worst pain/heartache I’ve ever felt. It brings me joy to know your life was saved on that same day. Life does get tough but why not just ride it out and see where it takes ya? There is a God who created you and loves you. You are invaluable, priceless and worthy of love.
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