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Adams, Donnie 07.19.23Ⅎ Adderly, Duane P. 05.09.80☇ Albert, Joseph 01.14.21✽ Almanzar, Emmanuel G. 02.04.14 Alvarez, Susan 09.11.99 Arias-Roma, Leosvany 12.06.23💀 Arnott, William 02.02.65 Arruda, Timothy Authur 11.14.17 Axtell, Steward Barton 02.29.64 Ayala-Cruz, Eugene 05.31.04 Ayrton, Leslie 02.06.73 Baggett, Lee R. 05.15.99 Bailey, Charles 05.09.86 Banasiak, Stephanie Lee 05.25.98 Bare, Arbutus 09.22.95 Beazley, David 09.06.94 Beck, Jerry 04.29.11✢ Bekas, Christos 03.03.13 Benetatos, Kattia 12.11.09 Bennett, Chad Eugene 10.18.08 Bennett, Toni Michelle 06.12.15 Benson, Dustin 12.29.07✽💔 Benton, Sean 08.05.98 Bernsdorff, Oliver T. 12.14.07💀 Berrett, Justin 05.19.01 Bingel, Robert 05.07.11 Blake, Mary 03.30.94 Blanchard, Vanessa 09.30.13 Blankenship, Linda 12.23.97 Blidge, Alphonso 05.09.80☇ Boicheff, Richard 01.04.01 Bongiovanni, Loreli 10.08.07 Bootsma, David 04.07.78 Bowlus, Mary Ann 10.23.58 Bradford, Barry 12.28.84 Bradshaw, Jeffrey M. 05.18.18 Branch, Melanie Anne 12.23.18 Brewer, Langford A. 07.24.73 Bridgmon, R. Matthew 11.04.06 Brogle, Thomas 12.29.75 Brooks, John 03.21.99 Brown, Harry 10.20.77 Brown, Myrtle 05.09.80☇ Brown, Willis L. 05.09.80☇ Bruner, Jimmie Joe Jr. 08.22.18 Buck, Mel 05.09.80☇ Bunker, Kenny 04.27.97 Butler, Willie 08.23.59 Byrnes, Elizabeth K. 08.19.14✽ Byrnside, Robert 06.06.00 Cabiness, Joni Joyce 08.05.04 Caito, Reeve 09.13.12 Callaway, John H. Jr. 05.09.80☇ Carlisle, Luke Colson 06.24.19 Carlson, Doris I. 05.09.80☇ Carlson, John J. 05.09.80☇ Casey, Carl Allen 07.17.81💀✽ Cash, Clara Ann 06.20.05 Caves, Gail Richard 07.05.73 Ceglar, Robert 08.16.83 Chance, Timothy 06.21.03 Chancy, Shane K. 08.06.11 Chase, Shontel Nicole 12.30.16 Chester, William David 04.12.98 Choe, Hyo Yol 01.01.81 Clark, Arthur 11.22.00♥ Clark, Matthew James 07.17.09 Clark, Scott 07.25.97 Coast, David 08.09.02 Coelingh, Patrick 07.17.03 Colangelo, Frank Anthony 04.11.07 Coleman, Leslie J. Jr. 05.09.80☇ Collins, Charles L. 05.09.80☇ Collinsworth, Daniel 06.08.08 Cook, Glenda Sue 06.08.19 Copeland, William R. 03.20.01 Cornelius, William 09.09.83 Costley, Jeremy M. 12.06.09✽ Coughlin, Allan G. 11.25.79💔 Courtney, Fredrick 03.28.98 Crider, Craig Gilbert 02.24.14 Crispin, Jim 05.09.80☇ Cubby, Anthony Valentine 06.08.79 Curry, Julius 01.23.69 Curtin, Michael J. 05.09.80☇ Cushing, Michael 04.27.91 Cutler, Raymond 03.10.01 Dagwan, Aaron Michael 09.10.16💀 Daniels, Laverne L. 05.09.80☇ Davis, Dalana 04.17.00 Davis, Sandra L. 05.09.80☇ Dean, William R. 10.01.83 Deering, Charles James 07.04.92✽ Deese, Anthony Gary 05.15.19💀✽ DeLeon, Antonio Libardo 06.20.11 Deluso, Grace Anne 09.28.03 DeMersseman, David S. 10.21.18 Dennis, Maggie 09.28.07 Dent, Peter 10.12.73 Derosear, Jacqueline 02.07.91 Desroches, Sheridan 07.30.80 Dewitt, Frank 07.16.74 DiCarlo, Louis 11.20.08 Dietch, Harry 05.09.80☇ Dietch, Hildred 05.09.80☇ Dillard, Mason 03.23.98 Dixon, Sharon 05.09.80☇ Dobbs, Velma Jean 09.22.17 Dobson, Myrna 11.25.77 Donahue, Alice Marie 06.26.14 Donahue, David 04.08.74 Donovan, Robert 06.07.77 Dooley, Robert 11.10.65 Doyle, Justin Tobias 03.01.20 Drake, Troy Daniel 08.13.96 Dufresne, Sherry Anne 02.12.17 Duval, Timothy 03.28.04? Eckstein, Gerald 01.14.09 Eisensmith, Stephanie E. 10.21.16✽ Elbs, Phillip A. 04.08.13 Elliott, Richard 10.04.99 Esformes, Mark Mason 12.05.12 Evans, Donald Lee Jr. 07.27.98 Farhat, Rani 07.24.97 Figg, Eugene 03.20.02 Finley, Wayne 01.25.17 Fisher, Kirk Bruce 02.17.18 Fitch, Mary 11.19.58 Fitzpatrick, Geraldine 04.14.80 Flanagan, Meghan B. 01.04.13✽ Ford, George 10.27.92 Francis, Jennifer 12.09.03✽ Franklin, John 09.10.54💔 Fraser, Jasmine Bloom 05.05.19 Freeman, Katherine 05.16.00💀✽ Freeman, Katie 10.06.13? Freeman, Kyle Jackson 11.30.16 French, Eugene (Bill) 11.22.81 Frey, Robert Scott 06.03.19 Gans, Ilona 12.08.08 Gattus, Anthony 05.09.80☇ Gawle, Marcin Edward 05.11.03 Gifford, Joshua 08.03.05 Gilbert, Ryan Matthew 04.20.00 Gonzalez, Adriel 06.11.04💀 Gonzalez, David 05.24.04💔 Goyette, Kenneth 07.24.02 Granaiola, Alfredo 12.15.08✽ Grasso, Paul 11.28.11 Gray, Otis 04.09.95 Green, Brenda J. 05.09.80☇ Gresh, William Dixon 08.15.79 Grove, Thomas 11.17.04 Guest, Robert Amos 05.16.10 Guthrie, Samuel Adrian 04.29.75 Hadley, Cyrus Angelo 06.02.77 Hagerman, Laura 04.28.11 Hall, Brett Sterling 09.28.12 Harding, Robert D. 05.09.80☇ Hardy, Willie Jay 07.09.64 Harris, Dorinda Kay 06.10.17 Harris, Norman Arthur Jr. 03.01.18 Harvey, Ulysses 07.12.66 Hatina, Clifford Joseph 02.10.18 Hayes, Charles Francis 02.05.61 Hedges, Douglas Eugene 07.17.81💀✽ Hedquist, Gerda 05.09.80☇ Heinzman, Matthew 10.16.58 Heller, Carol Ann 08.22.96 Helsley, Derek 01.27.04 Henry, Christopher 09.14.04 Hershkowitz, Mark 02.11.97 Hicks, James David 02.03.79 Hoffer, Arlene 01.16.12 Hoffman, Clyde Earle Jr. 08.11.96 Holmes, Kenneth 05.09.80☇ Holsey, Cameron 04.18.03 Hornbuckle, Dick 05.09.80☇ Hover, Randy 01.24.03💔 Hudson, Aubrey R. 05.09.80☇ Hudson, Phyllis 05.09.80☇ Hughes-Cihaner, Heidi 08.??.01 Humphreys, James C. 10.09.19💀 Huth, Louis Charles 10.07.87 Ihde, Marsha 12.29.99 James, Lorna 05.03.83 Jarzabski, Andrew 08.14.73 Jennings, Jacquelynne 04.14.02 Jodat, Katy 05.16.04? Johnson, Daniel Israel 04.03.98 Johnson, Louise T. 05.09.80☇ Johnson, Mildred K. 10.20.73 Johnson, William Roth 12.08.81 Johnson, Yvonne 05.09.80☇ Jones, Charles William 05.01.74 Jones, Hanns 05.30.01✽ inventor Jones, Tammi C., 10.19.15 Judd, Daniel Alan 08.12.19 Julia, William A. Jr. 04.04.58 Justice, David Petty 03.10.75 Kadane, Dorothe 09.28.07 Karsen, William 09.29.59 Keetley, Charles E. 09.04.15✽ Keller, Howard Francis 08.07.72 Keller, Ian Kenneth 09.23.03 Kelly, Charlotte 08.13.72 Kannell, Leo 10.29.97 Keovongsa, Khamla 08.09.05 Khoory, Richard Allen 10.01.08 Kibler, Rodney 11.22.00♥ Kimbrough, Kevin Jr. 12.15.18 King, Jason Allen 07.29.12 Klein, Donna Marie 08.23.93✽♥ Koester, Lisa M. 12.04.08 Konstantinovic, Dean 02.09.93 Korell, Todd Alan 03.13.10 Krapfl, Kelly Lynn 02.05.14✽ Krebs, Roy 04.16.79 Kuhns, Edward 11.08.97 Kuttig, William Frank 07.18.86Ⅎ Kuttler, Carl 04.22.11 name unknown/unverified: Kenny/Kenneth 12.05.19? Dilworth 07.06.17? Fritsche 10.10.16? Marcel 05.24.02? Grace 09.08.66? |
Lagemann, Marlena Jane 04.30.95 Laird, Robert Cecil 10.12.09💀💩✽ Landfried, Joseph Harold 09.08.95✽ Lane, Dennis Charles 04.17.19 Langenhahn, Judd Lee 07.05.09 LaVallie, Daniel 06.28.99 Lawrence, Donald 10.22.75 Leandres, Mark 07.04.07 Lemmons, Horace V. 05.09.80☇ Lerro, John 05.09.80☇ Letterle, Thomas Donald 03.18.17 Levendoski, Mark A. 08.30.05 Lewis, Frances 05.01.65 Linder, Willie 09.04.02 Logan, Drake 09.19.20 Logan, Leonard Francis 03.27.77 Lorusso, Theresa M. 06.02.03 Loucks, Lillian T. 05.09.80☇ Lucas, Edith Teresa 08.22.91 Lucas, Louis Jr. 05.09.80☇ Luong, Bang Quoc 11.13.11 Lyons, Jason Scott 10.27.11 Maass, David 07.20.99 Macabenta, Dreux Vincent 04.14.20 Machesney, Christopher 11.18.18 MacIntire, Wesley 05.09.80☇ MacKenzie, Alexander 02.26.58 Magan, William 12.08.14 Maggie May, the dog 02.13.01🐺 Mahoney, Richard 12.24.02💀 Malone III, Thomas F. 06.17.12✽ Mart, Grady 08.29.01 Martin, Lori 04.27.97 Martin, Mitchell 08.03.20 Martin, Paul D. 02.19.79 Massolio, James 11.12.03 Mathison, Marguerite L. 05.09.80☇ McCaskill, Andrew 08.31.13? McClendon, Tawanna K. 05.09.80☇ McCorkle, John 08.25.10 McCrocklin, Richard K. 12.23.15✽ McFawn, Karen 10.07.93 McGarrah, Manesha Y. 05.09.80☇ McGarrah, Wanda S. 05.09.80☇ McKinney, Joe 12.10.18 McKinney, William Sr. 07.23.16 Mehan, Pamela Alice 02.25.20 Melody, Joel C. 02.24.05 Merrill, Dorothy J. 02.14.88 Meyers, Garth Louis 01.23.89 Mielcarek, Michael A. 05.14.03 Mihalopoulos, Steve 05.01.05 Miller, Helen 08.09.07 Miller, Hillard 02.13.63 Mogensen, Ryan Andrew 07.10.17✽ Moody, Christopher 11.26.81 Morgan, David 04.14.99 Morris, Delray 10.31.84 Morris, Robert 09.30.63 Moyer, Arcadia Miriam 05.29.09✽ Murphy, Daniel 07.15.02 Murphy, Donald 09.08.02 Murphy, Michael 11.14.78 Murray, John Stewart 02.02.12 Mutchok, Ronald 09.18.97 Myers, Finley B. 10.07.99 Newborn, Sherri Lynn 03.25.16 Nguyen, Khanh Minh 01.13.15✢ Nieves, Julie 02.28.01 Nolton, Johnny Jones 12.19.03? Norwood, Gerald D. 09.28.13 Nowitzke, Izra J. R. 02.28.03✽Ⅎ Nuckolls, Coren 04.20.06 Ogren,Victor G. 04.27.89 Olszewski, Anthony 08.29.93 O'Neill, Michael Scott 07.17.06 Ostenbridge, Susan van 07.16.18 Ostrander, Harry 09.25.73 Pace, Carolyn 01.16.15 Palmeri, Stephen 07.10.18 Panco, Paul 09.18.72 Paquin, Dawn 01.27.02 Parker, Evie J. 06.03.78 Parker, Ralph 10.19.05 Parks, Carl 11.12.14 Paschal, Ruth Evelyn 07.17.81✽ Paul, Melvin 'Dean' Jr. 01.30.22 Pawlosky, Stanley Jr. 03.10.11 Peachnick, Dene 08.11.85 Perri, Donald 09.13.11💀 Pham, Dustin 03.05.20? Phelps, William W. 07.23.73 Phillips, Hubert Carter 08.03.99 Picciuto, Steven 09.30.08 Piper, Mark Joseph 04.26.02 Placet, Harold 07.03.94 Plezia, Michael 07.17.81✽🔫 Poindexter, Aaron 09.18.08Ⅎ💔 Pondy, Ann 05.09.80☇ Ponticelli, Charles A. 06.16.75 Pope, Madeline 04.28.76 Porter, Ernest Cleveland 04.07.64 Powell, Andrew J. 09.18.15 Prior, David L. 01.18.17 Pryor, James A. 05.09.80☇ Quayton, Cyquaile 08.16.15Ⅎ Radd, John 05.06.98✽ Ragan, Pat 08.21.77 Ramirez, Jose 07.08.85 Ramsey, Kenneth 09.14.02 Ramsey, Randolph Lee 08.07.17 Rantanen, Cecelia 12.15.72 Rapson, Scott Bradley 09.12.20Ⅎ Ray, Robert Ted 07.25.83 Reed, Doris Ann 11.11.57 Reed, Erica L. 02.24.05 Riddle, Leighton 'Pete' 07.13.11 Ridings, Mac Warren 11.28.83 Rivera, Frank 06.03.88 Rivera, Miguel Angelo 08.12.17 Robb, William 01.26.61 Robeysek, William Ralph 11.24.17 Roche, Debra Jane 07.05.12 Rodriguez, Christopher A. 06.26.17 Rodriguez, James 07.06.05 Rodriguez, Luciano 03.31.75 Rogers, Charles 08.01.66 Rohm, Glenn 04.27.97 Rooks, Hazel 08.26.62 • 01.07.642x✽ Rosemeier, Richard 02.09.78 Ross, Eustice 04.13.78 Rostvinsky, Daniil 05.29.18 Rowe, Dennis T. 12.04.88 Rozamus, Adam C. 05.10.13✽ Rozanski, Iwona J. 04.01.01 Rue, Gina 09.28.08 Ruiz-Obregon, Celia 06.04.17 Russ, Scott 01.10.20 Russell, Melborn Leon 05.09.80☇ Russell, William 03.09.65 Saad, Paul 02.01.96 Saari, David Allen 09.26.18 Safko, Michael 04.20.07 Sallee, William Dusty 12.31.98 Sandsmark, Suzanne Lynn 01.26.07 Sarafian, Donna 02.06.98 Sargent, Jeff 04.27.97 Schaeffer, Sabrina 05.04.19 Schlosberg, Joey Evan 01.02.15 Schmidt, Gerald 01.16.85 Schmitz, William J. 08.26.13 Schwandner, David 07.30.84 Scott, Kimbell 06.23.78 Sears, Francis 06.16.62 Sender, Michael 11.28.23 Serafy, Karen 09.30.76 Sessa, Thomas Albert 11.20.18 Sewell, Johnny Gregory 08.07.15 Sharp, Frederick 07.24.87 Shasta, the dog 05.06.98✽🐺 Sheley, Virginia 11.21.00 Shroyer, Kenneth 12.09.99💔 Simmons, Robert 02.03.58 Simons, Derek Chandler 08.30.97 Simpson, Steven Edward 09.04.03 Sirmons, Mary 10.13.59 Sirois, Christopher B. 05.23.07 Slater, James 01.21.80 Smith, Daniel 02.28.88 Smith, Delores E. 05.09.80☇ Smith, James Edgar 10.31.64 Smith, Lawrence 03.03.98 Smith, Michael J. 08.??.94 Smith, Michael L. 09.15.96 Smith, Robert S. 05.09.80☇ Snyder, Elaine 06.02.75 Stambaugh, Mary 07.18.60 Starr, Nick 11.04.07 Steele, Justin Chase 11.02.06Ⅎ Steens, Ronald 10.22.73 Stephens, Terry 02.12.08 Stephens, Victor David 12.23.08 Stratton, Alexander Brian 08.04.19 Studer, Deborah 04.29.07 Sullivan, Mary 01.12.98 Sun, Brandon 06.22.16 Syme, Amber Rose 02.08.10 Tacea, Bertha 12.01.71 Talley, Andre 05.17.03💀 Thomas, Jason 05.20.06 Thornton, Edward F. Jr. 02.20.82 Tito, Lisa Allison 08.08.17 Trinder, Mark 09.15.12 Triplett, Woodrow 05.09.80☇ Trotter, Steve 04.27.97 • 11.20.88 Tucker, Karen ??.??.85? Turner, James 'Jimbo' 09.06.12 Tyler, Clarence L. 10.22.60 Tyner, Diana 09.02.71 Tyson, Julia Marie 03.13.05✽ Upton, William 06.08.77 VanRoo, Esther 12.12.70 Vasti, Elizabeth 11.28.16 Veilleux, Glenn 09.17.81 Verburg, William 06.08.64 Vincent, Michael 07.06.04💀 Vogel, William 12.13.91 Wahl, Sadie Belle 02.22.59 Waldron, Wendy Kay 02.22.07 Walsh, April 12.15.09 Walter, Anthony Daniel 05.24.10 Warner, Gilbert 06.26.77 Warns, Thomas 09.05.73✽ Waters, Charles 09.13.69 Weaver, Tyre 03.02.23 Webb, Tammy A. 02.24.05 Weber, Clarence 03.23.89💀 Weigel, Marc 08.23.93✽♥ Weston, Milton 03.20.72 Whalen, Kevin 11.14.88 White, Reginald D. 05.03.15 Whoberry, Don 11.05.03 Wiener, Leann Medina 11.15.16 Williams, Deborah Sue 09.30.12 Williams, Mia Djuana 03.08.05 Williams, Veronica 05.08.98 Wilsie, Thomas R. 10.30.86 Wilson, Kathy 05.04.09? Wireman, Charles 06.26.15 Wishart, Shawn 02.08.20 Wojtkowski, Nicholas 04.13.18 Wood, Steven Ray 08.19.01 Wright, John 01.27.59 • 11.08.592x✽ Wright, John Charles 06.15.18 Yagley, Charles 10.12.11 Yang, Kyung 04.24.11 Young, Shira Lotoyia 03.06.13 Zupa, Gaetano 'Guy' 04.11.08 |
any more info is welcome. |
Alexander, Quincy 06.19.13Ⅎ Biddle, Steven Kent 08.27.79 Boyland, William C. 09.09.54 Buck, Allen 03.12.81Ⅎ Bui, Dong Van 09.29.07 Butler, Jonnie, III 08.05.12 Carnes, Erin 01.12.14 Dao, Sophie 11.05.09 Davis, Corrine 09.07.37 Dozier, Incha Kim 05.21.85 Fluker, Keenan Akeem 02.23.18 Frazier, David 09.25.03Ⅎ Gonzalez-Victoria, Jamie 01.21.08 Green, Jonathan Michael 03.04.01Ⅎ Hicks, Leonard 12.22.15 Hill, Craig 11.25.07♥ James, Patrick J. 06.02.16Ⅎ Jonchuck, John Nicholas Jr. 01.08.15💀Ⅎ Jonchuck, Phoebe 01.08.15✽ |
Johnston, Joey Jr. jump enthusiast✽ Keller, Patrick E. 09.28.64 Klinger, Louis 02.09.15 Marcinek, Anthony J. 05.09.12 Medina, Michael 07.20.12 Payne, Todd Jr. 11.25.07♥ Piano, Allen 10.28.13 Porter, Joseph 08.12.07Ⅎ Robinson, Gary 11.02.13 Rogers, Ethel 01.10.71 Rushing, Matthew Clifford 02.24.11Ⅎ Sedwick, Rebecca Ann 09.10.13 Smith, Robin 08.21.14 Tebow, Robert 09.25.13Ⅎ Wallace, Robert 02.19.18 Winokur, Jacob jump enthusiast✽ Woodward, Matthew Allen 08.21.10 Yates, Nancy 04.02.14 Zharkin, Evgeny 01.28.14 |
any more info is welcome. |