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2000-2009 • 2010-2019 • 2020-
the wack faq

ask your questions, question our answers.
(our responses follow.)
12.19.09, Celine, sarasota, By, law, Suicide is illegal, who enforces this and how? (from google: "It is not illegal in Florida to commit suicide (it is impossible to prosecute the dead), but under certain conditions one can be taken into protective custody and even involuntarily committed in some instances under the Florida Public Health Statutes for attempting it, threatening to attempt it, or exhibiting signs that would give an authority cause to believe that he is suicidal: ?397.675 Criteria for involuntary admissions, including protective custody, emergency admission, and other involuntary assessment, involuntary treatment, and alternative involuntary assessment for minors, for purposes of assessment and stabilization, and for involuntary treatment.--A person meets the criteria for involuntary admission if there is good faith reason to believe the person is substance abuse impaired and, because of such impairment: (2)(a) Has inflicted, or threatened or attempted to inflict, or unless admitted is likely to inflict, physical harm on himself or herself or another." there are other laws that can be cause for arrest while attempting to jump off the bridge, such as trespassing, obstruction of traffic, endangerment of another person, etc., although we wonder if they are ever applied.)

 10.31.09, west, st pete, FL., How many folks have jumped off the Sunshine Skyway and have not had their bodies found? Is it possible to "fake" a jump and simply run away? Even if they left a car or a note, can video cameras prove the actual jump? and if so, how come the body is never located? You stated on this site that sometimes there is a slow reaction to water search and then depending on tides, wind and wave motion the body is not found. (there are ways a body is lost after a jump. the water current under the bridge can be fast, going in either direction, depending on tide flow. a long time can pass between the jump, it getting reported, and people finally getting to the scene. assuming they stay afloat, they can slip into obscurity as they drift in many different directions. if they sink and/or get caught up with something down below, finding them is harder yet. faking a jump could be possible, depending on how quickly one car is dropped off and another, maybe a motorcycle, picks up the driver and makes an escape, undetected by other motorists or the the cameras that may or may not be doing what they are supposed to do.)

05.05.09, allen, st. Petersburg, FL., Hi, Do you keep statistics based on, well, like by year, by month, day of the week, male , female, etc....all that. That would be a really great addition. Thanks. (we sort by year, the order of the jump by date, latest on top, and by name. we thought about listing by zodiac sign, but quickly realized that would be ridiculous. since we have no way of gathering 100% of all jumper stories, we just throw together whatever we get, just how you see it.)

12.18.08, Wendy, Clearwater, Fl., I noticed that all the saves were men. What's your thoughts on that? (could be men procrastinate more than women do. maybe their female companions are driving them crazy and simply making them think they want to jump, only to realize once they are alone on the bridge, that all women are nuts and the guy snaps out of his suicidal haze, just in time to be saved. we really don't know why and are simply getting into deeper trouble with every word we continue to type.)

11.27.08, Sarah M., facebook, Happy Thanksgiving. I wonder if the fall is less scary with a belly full of turkey. Has there ever been a Thanksgiving jump? You would think so with the way most family get-togethers go. (we at the advise potential jumpers to wait at least 30 minutes after thanksgiving dinner before they jump. this will better avoid the possibility of getting stomach cramps when they hit the water. as for any turkey day jumpers, we didn't expect you to give us a chore. we suppose we could take a few minutes and scour all 10 years of the jumper coverage we do have and check it out. hang on a minute. geez, the nerve of some people. --- ok, after exhaustive and extensive research, we conclude we have no idea if there has been one. we might assume that eating all that turkey causes one to become weak and lazy to the point the family's power to destroy a nice day is diminished. besides, christmas is only a few weeks away. that's the time to end one's misery. after racking up the credit card buying gifts for all the unappreciative bastards in one's life, one might give the gift of ending it all. we hope you had a nice t-day.)

07.25.08, Kristie E., myspace, can i push someone off? is that allowed? he frequents that area for fishing but i would love it if he slipped and "fell" (by no means can or should you "fell" someone off the bridge. what if someone saw you? on the other hand, since you are such a good site friend, we suppose if no one is looking, you can "fell" someone off, but just this one time. don't be coming around here again asking for "pretty please, just one more?". we're sure most people have a list of those they would like to "fell" off the bridge too. we sure do.)

08.02.07, Katy, I live in MN so the hot topic right now is bridges. I have a friend (normally fairly intelligent) that swears a man fell from the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and lived because he flapped his arms. It seems so unreasonable that I can't even believe it fits into the Urban Legend genre. Of course I Googled it to prove him wrong but (surprise, surprise) I couldn't find anything. MAYBE I'm just not using the right words. Please advise. Thanks! (we imagine many jumpers flail about on their way down. it seems like a natural response to falling. yet most of these flailing jumpers succumb to the final impact below anyway. some, however, do survive. we assume they too flailed and flapped their arms to some degree, yet somehow managed to hit the water in a way that allows them to live through it. we know for fact, that human arms offer no reasonable lift when flapped in any manner. we are sorry for the tragic loss in the collapse of your bridge.)

01.18.07, Dave, Florida, USA, I see that there are two "versions" of the bridge in your photos. Is the set with the rocks surrounding the pilings current... or are the rocks gone? (the rock islands were added around the main shipping channel pilings, after the bridge was built. they are an additional barrier against wayward ships blundering their way into the bridge. jumpers that jump where the towers are, land upon these rock islands.)

08.09.06, Amy, Fair Haven VT., do you have a link to the old swing stunt VIDEO those people did a while back. thanks alot!  and
10.29.07, James C., Youngstown, OH USA, For educational purposes, I'm trying to locate a video of Steve Trotter's "pendulum swing." This is for a physics class in discussing circular motion - and why the tension in a rope/cable is much greater than that needed to just support the weight of the object/people. Can you help? Thanks. (one must apply the resulting centrifugal force of the total weight, based on the speed, acceleration, distance from the anchor point, and resistance to the gravitational pull. gravity, not just a good idea, it's the law. they should have ponied up the cash for a stronger cable. we do have video here.)

08.05.06, emma, Oregon, i think you should have a more detailed description of what happens when you hit the water. minute by minute. that you don't die right away. probably make a few rethink things. (you can read one detailed account here.)

07.31.06, jessica, Apollo Beach, FL., Do you breathe when you are falling? Or is the force too strong to allow air to go up your nostrils and into ur lungs? would ur nose just fill with air? maybe it goes to ur brain? is that where the term air head came from? can you choke on your saliva when u fall? i do it all the time just sitting here. i guess i forget to swallow...maybe thats why my husband gets upset... lol.. sorry bout that last one...u can edit it if u want:) just wanted to fit in with the other ppl asking questions... (sure one could breathe when falling. skydivers breathe well enough during a free fall. it's a quick 3.5 second fall from the bridge, so perhaps if one isn't screaming, one may be holding one's breath. air is available to breath, whether forced or not. you may have a point about air getting to your brain. between that and what appears to be an endless supply of saliva, we are currently over loaded with jokes. if you are blonde too, we cannot contain ourselves.)

07.21.06, Twisted Transistor, Saint peterburg FL., I wanted to find more information about the one man who was murdered when he was forced to jump at gunpoint off the Skyway.. Is there an article on your site... Maybe I was looking to fast, but I didn't find it? (articles about this. if the link doesn't take you to the article right away, close the resulting page and try again.)

07.20.06, Eazy E., st pete., Do sharks ever nibble on the floaters? (maybe, but doubtful.)

06.27.06, jessica, lanc. PA, US., I WANT A SMART PERSON TO ANSWER...? i was wondering...people that jump, commiting suicide-ex.-jumpers of 9/ they die in mid-airr because of the quick/dramatic pressure change? or do they just die when they hit the ground? (of all the people that run this site, we are far and above the smartest. we suppose it is possible to die during the fall with a heart attack due to the intense excitement of falling and/or having a propensity for a heart attack already established. skydivers jump and free fall everyday without heart attacks. that's why the sign at the roller coaster advises you to not ride if you have heart issues. we are sure most all of these skyway deaths result from injuries due to impact and/or drowning.)

03.25.06, Steve L., Manchester, UK., You say the Skyway is the #3 most popular bridge in the USA for jumpers. The Golden Gate is obviously number one. What on earth is #2? I'm racking my brain trying to come up with another bridge famous for suicides. I can't think of it.  (the coronado bridge in san diego is #2. we hope your brain is ok.)

06.24.05, Sarah, Austin, TX, I would really like to see you guys having some sort of alert when someone jumps. You could just send a quick email to the list notifying them to go check it out on your web page. That would be great, and it seems like an easy suggestion. (yes, it does sound easy. we have thought about it, but then simply sending mass e-mails of most any kind puts you into the spammer category with many isp's. then you end up getting blocked by some and have e-mails returned undeliverable by others. sad how a few spammer a•holes can mess up the internets for the rest of us. we will let you, the jumper curious, check the 'what's new' page every month or so to read about the latest in jumper activity.)

02.02.05, Nick, North Port, FL., Probably a stupid question, but has anyone ever hit the rocks and lived? It's amazing people even live jumping off the edge, so it's probably never happened. Has anyone ever jumped off the skyway, lived, and jumped off again? Great site! (it's not possible for a human to fall 190 feet, hit jagged rocks, and somehow manage to survive. there have been two known two timers: Hazel Rooks was saved from jumping, but came back later and succeeded with her suicide jump. John Wright jumped and lived and came back later to try again, but was saved from jumping.)

11.28.04, joe, sarasota, florida, Do you think a car could break through the concrete barrier? (a large truck might, but we doubt a car could get enough sideways velocity to break through the barrier. we imagine a vehicle of any size could somehow manage to flip over the side.) 

06.06.04, tia, This isn't about jumpers but it is about the collapse. I am trying to find an appropriate place to bring this inappropriate commercial to the forefront. I just saw an ad for mitsubishi which showed a "race" to the end of the broken bridge. I was livng in FL when this accident occured and was just sickened by the fact that they are using this in an ad. it would be like using the twin towers in some airplane commercial. (we saw the commercial and failed to see the similarity to the skyway bridge collapse in any way. what we saw was a cool advertisement showing two cars heading for a drop off. one car stops in time and the other falls off the end. true, cars did drop off the end of the fallen skyway, but the ad in no way depicts the skyway disaster. should we stop allowing disaster movies to be made because they depict real disasters? should we stop police and detective shows because they depict brutal real life crime/murder situations? should we stop jerry springer because he shows us lower life forms that actually live amongst us? we think you are a bit overly sensitive about this and should perhaps settle down.)

05.13.04, Traci, Georgetown, DE., Do most people who jump from bridges die before they hit the water, or is it the impact of the hit? (it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden impact and that drowning thing that does the jumper in.)

04.26.04, Damon, N. Kingstown, RI., Just out of curiosity; if you know, how far down will a jumper sink in the water after the unfortunate but amusing fall from the highest point on the bridge? (without a consistent entry into the water, there is no way to gauge the depth one would sink in such an event. some may belly flop, where others may enter like an olympic diver. some may not come up at all and simply sink to the bottom. there are too many variables.)

04.23.04, jack n., saint pete, my friend Joey wants to know if it counts if the person is "maybe kind of dead" when he or she jumps ("maybe kind of dead" is still alive. go poke joey with a stick and tell him he counts.)

03.30.04, sad mommy, san diego, do you have any links or help for a heartbroken mom? without my daughter I don't see any reason to go on. I am open to suggestions if it helps the heartache ... I just can't seem to come up with any on my own. I hope this doesn't sound like a "rant" ... I really want some healthy suggestions.. thank you  (we have children and can not imagine that level of loss. other then the help links here, we have no idea who could help cope with such a tragedy. we can only imagine your daughter would want you to be strong and continue on for the both of you. she will always be with you. remember that and live the life she could not. don't give in to giving up. do not disappoint her. good luck.)

02.25.04, Erin, Tuscaloosa, AL., why isn't there a web-cam or something of the type? (it's not like people are flinging themselves off the bridge every hour. the average is about one per month. the jumper web cam would look like a still photo 24/7, except for the once a month blur you missed, because you finally had to go pee. besides, the people that control the bridge have no sense of humor. the bridge does have web cams, but no public ones that show areas of known jumping activity.)

01.09.04, paul, arlington, texas, do you know what the rough estimate of "cut off height" for jumping off a structure into a body of water which would assure death is? i was in sidney not long ago and we did the harbour bridge climb. someone asked our guide if anybody could survive a jump from the top. our guide seemed to think such a feat could be survivable. i said you would be quite exception. (since we are not rocket surgeon's, we can only guess that there are no hard and fast rules about survivability variables of descent deceleration and impact scenarios into a sodium enriched aqueous solution. the high cliff divers in mexico seem to be able to dive from great heights over and over with no adverse effects, yet let the average person try it and they may not surface afterwards. some skyway jumpers emerge from the jump as if they hopped off a boat into the water. others are split up the middle, spilling their insides out, and creating an instant buffet for the fishes. we would guess someone with skilled diving talents could maybe leap from a point higher up on the bridge and emerge from the water to thunderous applause.) here is more input about this mysterious "cut off height" for jumping into water:
02.03.04, tta, cleveland, ohio, I didn't have time to peruse your whole q and a page and wasn't sure if anyone posted an answer to the question "what is the highest height a human could survive a fall from into water?" I remember watching a show called "Worst case scenarios" in which they quoted the highest height a human could survive a fall if they hit the water properly was about 100 feet. That is a big IF. According to the show they said that even though they would survive the impact into the water, they would be severally messed up if not dead. Anything above 100 feet would be like hitting concrete. Like I said I can't remember the exact height but it's around 100 feet plus or minus 10 feet. Hope this enlightens any hopeful jumpers. (you should not trust everything you see on tv. as has been proven several times, people have jumped from over 190 feet off the skyway into the water and survived with scant little injuries. it does happen. your 100' +/- 10' formula is not even close. people are also killed jumping from lower heights into water. many die from drowning because they can't swim or they get knocked out. it wasn't the fall itself that killed them. the nature of water and the human factor creates too many variables to make solid assumptions.) 

12.17.03, cheyenne, wyoming,  what kind of preventions are there to help people who want to kill themselves? (other than a waist high concrete barrier to keep vehicles from making the jump, there are no other preventions to keep people from jumping. jumpers seem to vault right over with little effort. there are no preventions "to help people who want to kill themselves", as that just makes no sense.)

12.08.03, Minnie M., Orlando, Fl., Have you been exposed to any brutal suicides? (no.)

10.25.03, Aaron L., Clearwater, Florida, I am actually asking a real question in hopes of a real responce. I do a lot of BASE jumping, however i am wondering on a few things i have been caught about 4 times from local bay area bridges, piers, and other buildings. I am only 17 and have never gotten anything big past the point of "are you crazy", "do you need to see a doctor", those sort of things. My real question is what is the MAX fine/jail time associated with a jumping off any bridge, in Pinellas county? Does anyone know, also is there any fine/jail time associated with anyone that gives me a ride to the top? I am not looking to commit suicide, or even anything that would break my neck, etc. I would if anything jump from a lower point rather than the top to sacrafice a good leg, arm, or organ. Please let me know what you discover! Thanks again, love the site :-) (honestly) (first of all, we do not advocate anyone jumping off the skyway under any circumcise. we know it is against the law and we have no idea what the punishment is if you get caught. it is our opinion that anyone base jumping off the bridge for any reason is nuts. just don't do it. if you insist on base jumping off the skyway, however, give us all the details.)

10.24.03, Amy McMuffin, St. Louis, I have thought about starting a companion jumper site for St. Louis but no one seems to be jumping around here. We have some lovely bridges in the metro area and plenty of reasons to jump. Do you have any suggestions to make my St. Louis Jumper Pool a reality? Obviously we only have rivers to jump into...perhaps it's the icky brown water or the giant chunks of slimy debris that make people shoot themselves rather than jumping? Thanks. (there must be something intrinsic to the st. louis area  where the locals perform deadly behavior that you do not find elsewhere. let us know if you make it happen.)

09.29.03, Joe, Milwaukie, Oregon, USA, Does anyone ever jump the bridge for a thrill? Is there a lower point on the bridge 50-70ft maybe? Just enough to catch some adrenaline! Is it illegal?? We jump for fun and the thrill - not to be part of any suicide bill! Thanks! (we have no idea how many jump from the ample sections of the bridge not high enough to cause death or serious injury. we do know that such activities are illegal, so if you plan on jumping from the lower portions, beware and be careful. better yet, stay home. thanks for the link.)

09.22.03, Maybe make a link for assholes who should jump off the bridge and makes the lives of everyone better. They spend all of their time making others miserable, maybe its time to make it public. (we have thought about doing this from the beginning, as we do have a short list of someone we wouldn't mind throwing off the bridge, but that is a whole other website. however, in these days of the endless lawsuit, listing people's real names that would rather not be listed, may turn this pool into a feeding frenzy for the cesspool of lawyers looking for work. we only post names that are publicly released. as a whole, we wouldn't mind seeing an endless stream of lawyers and politicians stepping off the edge.)

01.06.03, justin, bradenton, fl., does it count if i throw a family member off the bridge on my guessed day and collect the pool prize? (no, rules state emphatically that you may not "volunteer" others to jump in order to win this pool.)

Bob, St. Petersburg, FL., How many people have died as a result of jumping from the Skyway as of today? Also how many have survived the fall? Have any survivors told their stories? (we have no idea the actual number of jumpers from the bridge or how many have died or survived. the information is not always made public. we have a guesstimate here. a few survivor stories can be found within the jumper pages. we're sure survivors have blabbed their stories to others, but only hanns jones has told his story publicly, as far as we know. survivors are more than welcome to tell their stories to us and we will publish their words anytime.)

darcy m., saint petersburg, florida, The Tower of Terror at MGM Studios, Disney. It is 199 ft tall. And it drops traveling at 39 many seconds does that take? The SkyWay Bridge, is how many feet tall? And it takes 3 seconds to hit going 75 mph...So if one could handle the Tower Of Terror, one could almost SURELY handle the Sky way right??? (riding the 'tower of terror' is so very different then jumping off the skyway. true, they both fall from about the same height, but dropping at 39 mph in a controlled amusement park ride that comes to a stop gradually, is generally a bit easier on one's body than smacking into water or rocks at 75 mph. other differences include:
'tower of terror' - admission is over $60 and parking is a hassle and costs like $10.
skyway bridge - $1 toll with easy close up free parking.
'tower of terror' - long lines and waiting with hordes of smelly foreigners.
skyway bridge - no lines, no waiting, fresh sea air.
'tower of terror' - you have no control over your destination.
skyway bridge
- you can get back in the car and go home.)

Chris, Any idea on how long the fall takes? or how fast the person is falling upon impact? (according to the st. petersburg times newspaper, "anyone who jumps from a point close to the center of the bridge, hits the water in about 3.5 seconds at about 75 mph. the impact usually breaks bones and ruptures organs. some live for minutes before they drown".)

what about the New River Gorge Bridge in colorado? it towers over a thousand feet above solid ground. that should be a suicide magnet. (the 'new river gorge bridge' is in west virginia. every october on the third saturday, people legally jump off the bridge during 'bridge day'. the royal gorge bridge is in colorado and is the world's highest suspension bridge at 1053 feet above the arkansas river. having been across that span on many occasions, we could never see our used beer hit the river so far below. people have taken the plunge, but we have no idea just how many have done so. a sign in the middle of the span decrees there is 'no fishing from the bridge'.)

Pauli, Newark, DE., We have a very popular jumping bridge -- the Delaware Memorial Bridge -- twin spans -- do you know where it is on the list of most popular bridges? (we get requests for info on all sorts of other jumping pools and jumper statistics of bridges worldwide. we tend to focus on the skyway. to date, we have heard of no other such crappy jumper guessing site or anything more then the californian's constantly bragging about having the #1 bridge. if you wish to develop a site about your own local land based jumping structure, please feel free to lift this site, change it around, and make it yours. just send us the link so we can share the results with all the fans.)

06.27.02, Gary V., Sarasota, Florida, Has anybody ever jumped with a parachute, or some other descent deceleration device? (we know of only two. 1- 04.27.97, ill-fated cable swing stunt that ended with the cable breaking midway through the swing. we saw it on tv. the five swingers, four men and one woman, hit the water hard, some with serious injuries. luckily, no one died. idiots all. 2- 10.25.87, three guys parachute off the bridge.)

unknown, Can you tell me about people WALKING on the bridge?  Is it legal?  Is there a place for pedestrians to walk?  Does anyone walk up there who doesn't have any intention of dying? (the skyway roadbed is 'interstate 275'. there are no pedestrians allowed, as there are no pedestrian passageways. no bicycles either. basically, if it can't travel on an interstate, it can't travel the skyway. non-emergency stopping on the main span is frowned upon. many do stop for a quick picture, but be sure that eyes are watching and no doubt, authorities are being sent to investigate. try stopping at the top and time how long it takes to get hassled. get back to us with the results.) more:
Jason, clearwater, Fl., I am responding to one of your Q & A answers asking for how long it took to get "harrassed" for stopping at the top of the Skyway. Over the last 5 year, I have stopped at the top 4 times to let someone take a picture or look over the side. Everytime, it has taken about 1 minute or less for a Florida Highway Patrol officer from pulling up and telling us to leave. Usually, I tell them my car got hot coming up the bridge and needed a few minutes to cool down. They have all been nice and just said to get a move on as soon as possible. (thanks, jason.)

unknown, are the survivors jumping from the low part or what?!?!? (some have survived by jumping from the lower portions of the span, but several have taken the long plunge with various degrees of minor to major injuries. a few seem to emerge from the water as if they know how to jump from great heights and do so regularly.)

05.04.00, rich k., st. pete., fl., how many couples have jumped? has any one landed on a ship? has anyone fell trying to stop someone? (we know of only one documented jumper couple. we have not heard of anyone hitting a boat/ship or falling trying to stop someone.)

05.04.00, unknown, Do you know of other jumper contest & site ie: Golden Gate? Also how close is Sunshine from #1 position? (we have not heard of a pool going for the golden gate bridge. it's the #1 bridge for suicide jumpers and we know it's very busy. the coronado bridge in san diego is #2. leave it to california to have the top two suicide bridges.)

05.04.00, rich k., st. pete., fl., i have a few questions, how many couples have jumped?, has any one landed on a ship? has anyone fell trying to stop someone? My father commited sucide when i was a child (11yrs old) it totaly screwed my head for years but i finally learned to deal with it.I do not think this site is offencive i think its funny any time humor is brought to somthing dark it helps. (we know of only one documented jumper couple. we have not heard of anyone hitting a ship or falling trying to stop someone.)

05.04.00, Ken, St. Pete., fl., I find your site very funny and entertaining, to hell with the do-gooder cry-babies! I must admit I really wanted to hear that "I Did It Skyway" song I have heard about but couldn't find the link. Do you still have it on the site? (sorry, ken, either the song is a myth or it's just not available. if anyone has the thing, please send it.)

05.04.00, unknown, what is this "crisis phone?" are there actually phones on the bridge that a potential jumper can use to call for help on? and if so, WHY? i say if a person has actually driven onto the bridge and exited her car to take the plunge, then what's the point in calling for help? ALSO what's the male/female ratio on the jumper stats. my guess is more women than men due to hormone issues. (the crisis phones were erected in july 1999 in an attempt to offer potential jumpers a last ditch chance to save themselves. it's not a bad idea and it has worked a few times. obviously, many fail to use them and rapidly descend away from them. many women do jump from the bridge, but more men jump. we believe more men jump because a woman with probable "hormone issues" has just pushed them to the point they must end their misery. they long for the solitude only death will bring. just kidding. well, maybe not. yeah, we're kidding. uh huh.)

05.04.00, Dean, Heath, OH., Are you disqualified if you throw someone off the bridge?  You know, like your ex-wife or her mother? (we here at the jumperpool discourage any one helping others jump from the bridge, sorry.)

Hillary, Aston, Pa., Why do "jumpers" remove their shoes before jumping? (jumpers do not normally remove their shoes. the shoes, as well as clothes, are often ripped off upon impact. hitting the water from that high tends to make impact somewhat traumatic. several have been stripped near naked.)

William C., St. Pete, Florida, If some one, lets say, a construction worker were to slip and fall from the bridge, would it count, or does it have to be a voluntary leap? Now if it does count what if the worker was attached to a safety line and does not fall all the way down? (in the past, we supposed that any accidental jumpage would qualify as a 'jump', even thou we assume the word 'jump' means they leapt from the bridge voluntarily. most jumpers simply step off the edge, much the same as a worker slipping off. neither really 'jumping'. it's mostly just stepping off and falling. we have since decided to treat the accidental step, slip, or otherwise flung off as a newsworthy story to post on the site, but will not count as a jump in the same way as a suicide jumper. we will add any links to the story, as it would be bridge related reading that may be of interest to this site's visitors.)

mark, st. pete., fl., How tall is the Skyway bridge? (the main span is 1,200 feet long. the total length of the bridge is 4.1 miles. the cable towers are 432 feet tall. at its peak, the roadway is 192 feet high, but we assume the tide has something to say about that.)

Jenn, Sydney, Australia, Why do you Americans have all the fun? (jenn, it just appears that we have all the fun. think of americans like this: you are standing at the window, gazing into an 'insane asylum'. see those people in there? they are us americans! although we appear to be having fun, we are too far gone to know it. we are beyond help, don't realize we even need help, nor do we care. we are on cruise control, yet no one is at the wheel. does that answer your question? yeah, didn't think so.)

unknown, why don't you have pictures of the jumpers? (we have a few pictures of jumpers taken pre-jump, never post-jump. they are scattered around the annual jump list pages.)

Vicki, I recall hearing on the news about a person that jumped with their dog, I believe last year (99). The jumper died, dog lived. I didn't see anything on your page about it, just wondering if you have any info?? Thanks (that happened 05.06.98, a few months before we started this site.)
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