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revisiting compelling incidents, on facebook.
02.09.25, facebook post - 05.15.19: Anthony Gary Deese, 36, a violent habitual criminal, rightfully jumps to his death after an armed carjacking.

02.02.25, facebook post - 05.06.98: John Radd, 44, jumps off the skyway. his dog Shasta, either jumps after him or was taken along for the ride. man dies, dog lives.

01.26.25, facebook post - 08.23.93: Donna Marie Klein, 16, and Marc Weigel, 15, perhaps the youngest to leap off the skyway, die in suicide pact, upset that Marc's mother was separating them by sending him back to ohio to live with his father.

01.19.25, facebook post - 02.28.03: Izra James Richard Nowitzke, 25, a floridiot with a cowboy hat and lasso, climbs a yellow skyway cable. was it a save? a failed jump attempt? some crack fueled jackassery? he eventually gets hauled away and goes on to rack up a long loser life of crime.

01.12.25, facebook post - 10.12.09: Robert Cecil Laird, 38, shoots and kills his ex-wife in lakeland, puts her body into the trunk of her car, drives to the top of the skyway bridge, set the car on fire, and then jumps to his well-deserved death, thus saving the taxpayers the burden of a trial and lengthy incarceration.

01.05.25, facebook post - 09.05.73: Thomas Warns, 24, jumps from the skyway bridge and survives. two weeks later, he jumps from the fifth floor of a building, hits an awning, and only injures his ankle. on 12.15.73, he intentionally throws himself under a semi-truck and gets crushed. it appears that the third time was a charm.
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