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suicide and depression stories

03.05.24: "Your website saved my life."
02.05.23: "I plan to jump from the Bridge this week."
04.20.22: 14 year old is losing her grip on the will to live.
03.26.18: this site credited at giving hope for a better life.
11.30.17: David tells a story. is it his?
07.17.17: Sean details his desire to jump off the skyway.
06.28.17: Robbie escapes the head med trap.
06.19.17: Francia forewarns of a future jump.
06.05.17: Bee, in australia, appreciates this website.
06.05.17: Bill W. makes two attempts to jump from the skyway.
10.12.16: Khalid claims to be suicidal.
10.10.16: Diana, making life work.
10.13.15: Anna is depressed, with suicide on her mind.
06.19.03: from one suicide attempter to another.
04.01.03: Katy lives in australia.
11.27.02: Kayla has guy troubles.
09.28.02: Sandra talks suicide, death, and the evil known as as psychiatry.
03.08.02: Darcy claims she will jump from the skyway.
06.07.01: Heather attempts a jump from niagra falls.

   do you have a suicide or depression story of your own? have some words to say about someone close to you that jumped off the skyway bridge? how has your family coped with suicide? tell us about it. we never post last names. make up a first name, if it helps. your story may help others in their struggle to cope and may help guide them to healthy life changes. thank you.
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